Sannel Larson

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Living with Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome "Today is not a good day"

If you have read my other Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome posts, you know that I'll share with you my own ordeal with these illnesses, and also provide you with important facts about Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. 
Hopefully, by sharing my everyday struggle, I may help someone in the same situation, not to feel so lonely. I hope, too, that non-sufferers of these debilitating and often "invisible" illnesses, will learn and understand better what it means to live with this, and how it affects our everyday lives. 

Living life one hour at the time
Living with these illnesses makes it difficult to plan ahead. I have no idea how I will feel in a week, day or even one hour from now. I have learned to make the most out of the hour or hours when I feel almost like my old self - like calling my friends on the phone, do the dishes, write, go shopping, draw my illustrations and take a walk.

However, I tend to overdo it because I'm so extremely happy and excited that I'm able to do something other than just lay in bed, so the next day, the pain and exhaustion will get even worse, and forces me to be completely inactive for days with a mental state of complete exhaustion.

Today is one of those day's - Not a very good day! 
Today it takes all my energy and willpower to write these few lines here. The pain in my hands does make it really hard to type, and my mind is exhausted so you'll have to excuse me for making this blog post rather short. Hopefully, tomorrow will be a "good day."