Sannel Larson

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Living with Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome - Am I cured?

Yesterday morning I woke up and felt absolutely great. Now don't get me wrong, it's not like I did not feel any pain. The pain was there, but just on the surface. I almost felt like I used to do, years ago, before I was struck with Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. My mind was clear and I felt rested, something I have not felt in years. I was so happy, I was floating on air. I felt like such a burden had been lifted from my shoulders. I started to have these thoughts whirling around in my head; Am I cured? Perhaps this nightmare, I'm living night and day was now miraculous over?

Right after my morning coffee, I started do things, I had not done for so long. I baked bread, (no, I did not use a bread maker), I cleaned those hard to reach places, that's otherwise just too tiring to do by myself, I took a long walk with my dog, and I was actually running a few meters, just to remember how it felt like. I came back in, started to draw my illustrations, with no pain in my hands. I made a really nice dinner, because it was fun to cook again. I did all this in one day without laying down to rest in between. I felt like I had run into an old, dear friend, who I had not seen for years, and who had been dearly missed. Oh god, how good it felt to feel like the old me again.

Around two o'clock last night, I woke up, realizing the old Sannel was suddenly gone again, and I was back to my living nightmare. I can't help to wonder; what on earth did I do that actually made me feel like my old self yesterday? I wish I knew, because then I would do it again in a heartbeat.