Sannel Larson

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome - Is it Really Worth it to Have One Day of Fun?

Is it really Tuesday again? Where has the time gone. . . well, I know where half of my week went.

It was spent in bed in a dark room, too tired and in too much pain, to do anything else but sleep the hours away. When pain woke me up from my sleep, I stared into the wall, wishing I could fall asleep again, just to get a break from the horrible pain.

After three days in this state, I'm starting to wonder, if it's really worth it to have one day of fun, knowing I'll pay the piper for it the rest of the week?

So what was this "fun" you did, you ask.

I celebrated my birthday by spending some hours with my childhood friend, chatting over a cup of coffee and cake, held a newborn baby in my arms, took a short walk in the forest, stopped to pet some horses. In the evening, I enjoyed a lovely meal in a restaurant with my family.
For most of us, it does not sound too exhausting, but for someone who's suffering from Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, it means way too much!!

Anything that will alter my immobile, everyday routine, will have a negative impact on my mental and physical health. I do know my limits and I try to plan around it. However, it does not take much to have me fall into complete exhaustion and into the black hole of depression.

Every night I dream that tomorrow will be better, and eventually it will. So this morning when I woke up, with my usual excruciating, stabbing, crushing pain all over my body, I was thrilled - so happy, because I felt this morning was different. This morning, I woke up rested which meant, I can manage my pain, so I can once again live my "normal" painful, foggy life.

So today, I have the urge to write on my blog,  read, visit my friends on FB, write a poem, do some illustrations to my book, eat, dream, enjoy the blessings life has to offer. . . .Oh, life is wonderful - and I'm so happy!!